

It is the aim of the Cliffe VC School Science Policy :


1.     To promote and develop children’s enjoyment and enthusiasm for science through exciting, practical, first-hand learning and opportunities to experiment, explore and investigate.

2.     To ensure that the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014) for science are taught well and that where appropriate their scientific knowledge skills and understanding are applied across all subjects of the curriculum.

3.     To ensure that the school’s schemes of work and guidelines for science are taught, thoroughly, systematically and progressively to all pupils by all staff.

4.     To help pupils to become scientists by developing their problem solving and reasoning skills so that they can apply their scientific thinking across the curriculum.

5.     To ensure that from the EYFS onwards, pupils are confident in their understanding and application of their basic skills in science and that they build upon their prior learning at every stage.

6.     To encourage children to use their increasing knowledge, skills and understanding of science to investigate, ask questions and solve challenging problems.

7.     To develop pupils’ confidence and skill in scientific methods as they explore the areas of science and address increasingly complex problems.

8.     To bring science to life and make it real so that children understand the importance of science in the world and in their everyday day lives.

9.     To ensure that all children particularly those with special needs or disability; those who are ‘stuck’ or those finding it hard, are well supported.

10.  To teach pupils to work with proper regard for their own safety and that of others, using safety equipment where necessary. 


For the full policy please see below :