Cliffe VC Primary School’s Maths Policy is based on the following principles:
Mathematics is important because:
- Mathematics is a life skill. It is an essential element of communication, widely used in society, both in everyday situations and in the world of work. “A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject” (National Curriculum 2014).
- If taught correctly we can encourage children to develop a love for Mathematics.
- It is the method by which we make sense of space, number, and quantity within everyday life.
- Its mastery enables children to apply their knowledge in educational and real-life situations: logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways.
- It is essential for independence in many aspects of everyday life.
- It is a core subject in the National Curriculum.
- It is a compulsory examinable subject in national standardised tests.
Through the effective implementation of our Maths policy, we strive to enable Cliffe mathematicians to:
- Become fluent in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.
- Have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, processes and strategies and the ability to apply them in a mental, written, and problem-solving capacity.
- Communicate learning; solve problems, reason, think logically and to work systematically and accurately.
- Show initiative and an ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others.
- Have and use appropriate mathematical language
- Build resilience and respond to challenges by applying key skills already learnt.
- Use and apply mathematics across the curriculum
- Develop the ability to recognise mathematics in everyday situations and apply their mathematics to such situations.
- Have a positive attitude and interest in mathematics to raise confidence.
- Develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards Mathematics that will stay with them to encourage economic wellbeing.
- Show an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and experiment.
- Improve their mental recall of number facts.
- Improve their skills in mental calculations by ensuring that they have a repertoire of strategies to draw upon.
Our full Maths policy can be found below :