Our Curriculum & Equal Opportunities:
In accordance with the school’s Equal Opportunities, SEN and Inclusion Policies (see school policies folder), all children at Cliffe VC Primary School will be given full access to the National Curriculum/Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Staff will endeavour to help all children to reach their full potential irrespective of race, physical ability, gender, age or learning ability.
Curriculum overview
At Cliffe VC Primary School, we pride ourselves on offering a broad and balanced curriculum which:
- supports every pupil in reaching their full academic potential;
- promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils;
- prepares all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences planned for our pupils.
We follow the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for our Reception Class pupils.
We follow the DfE ‘National Curriculum for Primary Schools’ throughout Key Stages 1 and 2.
In addition, we tailor our planning to take into account key experiences that we believe our children should have. In doing so we take into account the unique context of our school, help pupils to understand key shared values (often referred to as ‘British Values’) and aim to prepare them fully for life in modern Britain and the wider world beyond.
Key Stage 1 – English and Maths
In the Reception and KS1 we teach phonics and early reading through an evidence based scheme known as ‘Read, Write, Ink’. This programme is based upon the use of ‘synthetic phonics’, a method of teaching reading shown to have proven results. Dedicated daily session systematically build phonic understanding and support pupils on their early ‘reading journey’. Experience has shown that this provides the valuable foundations pupils need in order to become accomplished and enthused readers.
You can find out more about how your child will learn to read on our Phonics page here.
Our Reception and KS1 Maths Curriculum is based around a ‘mastery’ approach developed by White Rose Maths Hub. This approach to number work aims to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. Particularly in KS1 this approach utilises a variety of physical resources and ‘real world’ learning. Helping our pupils not only learn how to ‘do’ maths but also how to apply it to solve problems and tackle everyday situations involving number.
You can read about our approach to Maths here.
Key Stage 2 – English and Maths
In KS2 the focus of reading shifts towards an emphasis on extending our vocabulary, deepening our understanding and developing our love of literature. Pupils are still encouraged to read on a daily basis and this may be independently, within a small group or as a whole class. You can read about how we teach reading here: Reading booklet
There are ideas to support reading at home here: parents-little-guide
Again, in KS2 we utilise the White Rose Maths approach to our number work. Influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading maths researchers and practitioners across the world, White Rose Maths develops a new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.
We also use the ‘Active Maths’ scheme in each class on at least a weekly basis. This approach encourages both a development of number skills, alongside a chance for exercise !
You can find out how we teach maths calculations here.
You can read about our approach to Maths here.
Wider Curriculum
Here at Cliffe VC Primary we pride ourselves on offering pupils a rich and varied curriculum.
All areas of the national curriculum are held in high regard and covered thoroughly within every class.
These include –
- science
- design and technology
- history
- geography
- art and design
- music
- physical education (PE), including swimming
- computing
- modern foreign languages (Year 2 and up)
- religious education (RE)
- citizenship, personal, social and health education (Learning for Life)
- relationships and sex education (Learning for Life)
In all areas of the curriculum we aim to inspire pupils by harnessing their own passions and interests, utilising off site visits or specialist teachers and supporting them to develop a hierarchy of skills throughout their time here with us.
Individual policy documents for each curriculum area can be found under the 'Curriculum' tab on our website.
Curriculum Organisation
We organise our curriculum planning into a 2-year rolling programme. This means that children will cover the essential knowledge and skills during a 2-year period, rather than perhaps encountering it in the year group to which it is assigned in the National Curriculum. For example, they will always learn about ‘Roman Britain’ but may do this in either Year 3 or Year 4. They will be taught at the pitch appropriate for their ability and in line with our age-related expectations regardless of which year they are taught a topic.
We have chosen to apply a rolling programme because this best fits the arrangement of classes within our school and allows teachers the chance to refresh and tailor what is studied with greater frequency.
Details of what each class will be covering can be found under the 'Curriculum' tab on our website.