Through the effective implementation of our Sex, Relationships and Learning for Life policy, we strive to enable Cliffe pupils to:
- have the skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.
- know accurate, balanced and relevant knowledge to enable them to appreciate what it means to be a positive, respectful member of a diverse multicultural society.
- develop a healthy, safe lifestyle.
- share and respect each other’s views.
- explore, clarify and challenge their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities.
- ask questions and discuss personal matters without any stigma or embarrassment.
- protect themselves and know where to go for help and support and to report concerns.
- be prepared for puberty.
- have the accurate information and advice they need to navigate the reality of their lives.
- know we have rights over our own bodies and the differences between good and bad touch, as well as understanding boundaries.
- understand that family is a broad concept; not just one model.
- respect and care for each other and celebrate differences.
- have skills and strategies to manage relationships both on and offline.
- have an awareness of discrimination, teasing, bullying, including the use of prejudiced based language, including that of a homophobic, biphobic and transphobic nature.
- safely challenge bullying, stereotypes and discrimination, including gender stereotypes.
- recognise online and offline risks to their well-being – for example, risks from criminal exploitation, domestic abuse, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, substance misuse, radicalisation and extremism.
- understand the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities.
- know about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes.
- have opportunities to develop positive personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem and empathy.
- understand that everyone has a responsibility to keep relationships healthy and positive and understand when a relationship is not healthy.
- know about things they can do to help look after their environment.
For the full policy please see below :